What is The Electrocoat Association?

Founded in 1997, The Electrocoat Association is a non-profit trade association that brings together end-users and suppliers involved in the electrocoating industry to promote the use of electrocoat throughout manufacturing and advance the technology based on its superior environmental and economic advantages.

Corporate Members include custom coating suppliers, suppliers of equipment, chemicals, paint and ancillary equipment, and manufacturers applying electrocoat in their finishing process. Individual members include captive shop finishers and individuals involved in electrocoat technology and services outside of those listed for Corporate membership. Consultants, distributors, engineering services and individuals interested in learning more about the technology are included in this category.

Vision Statement

We are the leading authority dedicated to improving the business of our members in the electrocoat industry.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to drive e-coat growth by providing access to information, education and networking with industry leaders.

Benefits and Services Brochure (Click here to download .pdf file)



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